AR Education Introduction Video

Hi, AR is the new Platform of digital media. We will show you how AR can help you gain a comprehensive and function advantage. But let's understand what AR is. AR stands for Augmented Reality. That means Here is Reality and Here is the Augmentation. As you can see, we can add Virtual Reality on any point of interest in reality. But! How can Augmented Reality help in Education? An example we have created is a classroom diorama specially designed with Augmented Reality. We also created a comparison between a normal textbook and a textbook with augmented reality. Another medium we compared but not limited to are normal class posters and class posters with Augmented Reality. As presented, with the help of any smartphone you can add more to any educational item, than was never thought possible. It is an engaging experience and best of all it's a controlled experience, which means no distractions. This experience can be added to any existing printed medium. And, there is more! If ever there are updates or changes to your content, you can do it digitally and the students using the app will get the updated experience immediately. Let�s make education fun and engaging with augmented reality�s interactions! Now why not enhance your products today with Mozaiku's Augmented Reality?