Video Marketing & Animation for Business

Video has become a more popular form of content marketing as it allows businesses to get the message across in a quick and entertaining way. Furthermore, video can evoke emotion in the viewer which is a powerful asset in content marketing. Metamosaic partners with various top-notch entities that specialise in:





Technical and business communications

The power of animated marketing videos for business


From real-estate video’s to animated explainers or video marketing for your business, product or service, Metamosaic create captivating visuals that tell a story to connect with your customers on a deeper level.


Metamosaic’s mission is to produce the most compelling, captivating yet cost-effective marketing videos that align with your business needs and goals. Whether it be to build brand awareness, pitch a project, or promote a campaign, video marketing is proving time and again the key to capturing the attention and winning over your target audience.


Contact us today to find out how you can benefit from the power of video marketing & animation for business.

Alform System
Think Avenue
Sungai Long Today - Villa Sungai Long
The Orchard
Senibong Cove Environmental - FIABCI award
Derma Energy
Opening Show of RON ARAD's 720° (SIFA Singapore 2016)
For more works, please follow our